Big legal bill for Yate man taken to court over abandoned cars

AN “aggressive and unapproachable” Yate man who left up to 17 cars abandoned on a Yate street has been hit with a bill of more than £5,000.

South Gloucestershire Council said the number of cars Daryl Wallington, of Bredon, left in a “dangerous condition” made neighbours feel unsafe – and they were afraid to complain to him.

The council prosecuted the 60 year old, who has now been ordered to pay a total of £5,363 in fines and costs for breaching a Community Protection Notice aimed at stopping antisocial behaviour.

Bristol Magistrates Court heard that the council first became aware of Wallington’s activities in 2014 after reports of abandoned vehicles.

They used legal powers to deal with some of the vehicles, which seemed to have alleviated the problem.

But a council spokesperson said that two years ago, complaints started to rise again.

They specifically related to Bredon in Yate.

The spokesperson said: “Site visits were made and seven vehicles were noted that appeared abandoned and without tax. Notices were issued against each vehicle.

“A number of letters were sent to the council from Wallington, which acknowledged the vehicles in question, but he contested that he owned the land and that the vehicles were therefore not causing any nuisance.”

Residents feared ‘dangerous’ vehicles left in parking spaces

The council said the dumped cars were having an impact on residents.

The spokesperson said: “Many residents had stated how they feared the area will become unsafe due to broken glass, leaking fluids and the dangerous condition of the vehicles and that they felt the area had become unsightly, affecting house prices and supporting the ‘broken windows’ theory of crime and anti-social behaviour.

“Residents had also reported they were fearful of Wallington, who they perceived as aggressive and unapproachable.”

The vehicles also took up parking spaces, which meant other families couldn’t park near their homes.

A spokesperson said that in total, over ten years, there were complaints relating to 17 different vehicles.

Wallington was given a Community Protection Warning (CPW) last September, which ordered him to have all the unroadworthy, untaxed or uninsured vehicles safely and legally removed from the public highway, communal parking areas and publicly accessible land and disposed of.

But he failed to clear the vehicles or discuss the matter with the council.

Council seeking more legal powers

At Bristol Magistrates Court in May he was found guilty in his absence of breaching a Community Protection Notice relating to the storage of abandoned vehicles and was handed a £2,500 fine, ordered to pay £1,863 in costs and a £1,000 victim surcharge, making a total of £5,363.

A council application for a criminal behaviour order (CBO) against Wallington, which would give it legal powers to curb his behaviour under threat of jail, will be heard in court in July.

Council cabinet member for environmental enforcement Sean Rhodes said: “We’re pleased to see this case finally conclude after a lengthy period, due to Wallington failing to engage with the council about the issues caused by his vehicles.

“The sheer volume of abandoned vehicles in this case has clearly been a serious concern for other residents of the area, so I’m very happy we’ve been able to bring this to court.”

Residents are encouraged to report street issues to the council’s StreetCare helpdesk on 01454 868000, email or visit