Yate cinema could become an Aldi supermarket

YATE’S former cinema could be turned into an Aldi supermarket.

The German discount food retailer has announced plans to take over the former Cineworld at Riverside Retail Park, which closed in October, for a new food store.

It would create up to 40 ‘full-time equivalent’ jobs.

Plans were announced on the Yate Shopping Centre website today.

Aldi real estate director Simon Glover said: “We are committed to revitalising this empty site and providing people in Yate and the surrounding areas with access to our award-winning range of low-cost, high-quality products.

“This new store will not only improve local shopping options but also contribute to the economic growth of the area through job creation.”

Planning application is needed

Aldi is working with retail park owner Northdale Asset Management, which also owns Yate Shopping Centre, on the proposal.

In their joint announcement they said a planning application would be lodged with South Gloucestershire Council “in the coming weeks”.

They said: “The plans do not involve any substantial changes to the building itself: the main alterations will be some minor changes to the car park, a new entrance/exit lobby and the creation of a new delivery bay in the rear service yard.”

The supermarket has set up a consultation website, where more information is available, at aldiconsultation.co.uk/yate.

Aldi’s main rival Lidl has had a supermarket in Yate for nearly 30 years: its store in Kennedy Way opened in 1995.