More than 450 objections to Islamic cultural centre plan for Yate

PLANS to create an Islamic cultural centre in Yate have been opposed by more than 450 people.

The application has been made by Yate Islamic Cultural and Resource Centre Ltd for a vacant site at a row of shops in Wellington Road.

The centre would be built alongside the chip shop, Spice restaurant and Tesco Express shop, opposite Cambrian Green Court between the Farmhouse pub and Mormon church.

Most of the objections have been made on the grounds that there would not be enough parking on the site for the anticipated number of people who would use it.

But one resident who wrote in support said there had been a leaflet campaign against the plans, and accused opponents of Islamophobia.

Agent Studio Yaqub Limited said: “The proposal to create the first Islamic Cultural and Resource Centre in Yate has been well received, considered and developed, with the local Muslim population waiting eagerly for the approval of this scheme.

“The carefully considered design has elements of existing vernacular, namely the use of red brickwork whilst also presenting a new aesthetic, with a modern twist.

“This not only has influences of Islamic architectural flair but is also intertwined with crafts and skills of Great British traditions.

“The proposal will seek to create a high quality development and to create an architectural identity whilst maintaining cohesion with the existing neighbourhood.

“The principles will deliver a considered improvement to this site and provide further vibrancy to this small rank of shops as well as providing a space that is fit for many years to come.”

The agents said that at present Muslims in the town had to arrange with other groups and South Gloucestershire Council to find a community space in Station Road, which was only available for weekly Friday prayers.

They said the majority of the local Muslim community were eager to secure “a more permanent solution to provide continuity of service and a space to call their own”.

The agents said the site currently does not have dedicated parking spaces but would share 10 spaces at the front of the shops, with further parking to the rear, “further supported with an agreement to allow parking at the local public house”.

Parking is ‘inadequate’ for site

However issues with parking were cited by most of the 467 people who had objected to the plans on South Gloucestershire Council’s planning website as of December 27.

One opponent said: “Only objecting because in my view the parking is nowhere near adequate. The Tesco Express parking site is already very busy, likewise the Farmhouse pub.

“I would support in principle if adequate additional parking was provided.”

Another said: “There truly is not enough room here for this. Two parking spaces for potentially 50 people? I am absolutely in favour of a mosque in the Yate or Sodbury area but not in this particular location.”

Another opponent said “putting a mosque between a church and a pub is simply asking for trouble,” adding: “Muslims parking in a place that profits from alcohol does seem strange.”

‘Disappointing’ reaction

By the same date, 76 people had written in support of the plan.

One resident said: “As Muslims, we feel the need for a mosque in Yate to practice our religion and come together as a community.

“A dedicated space for worship would provide us with the opportunity to fulfil our religious obligations and promote unity and understanding within the wider community.”

Another resident writing in support said: “Yate Muslims have every right to practice their religion, and I’m deeply disappointed in some of the comments from other locals.

“I feel it is also important to note that flyers have been posted through letterboxes (mine included) urging residents to contact SGC to object to the proposal, with ‘key points’ being spoon-fed to feign legitimacy.

“Let’s be real here; it’s not about the parking. It’s not about congestion. It’s about Islamophobia.”

The plans and comments can be viewed on the planning section of the council’s website by searching for application P24/02486/F.

Top picture: Computer generated image of the planned Yate Islamic Cultural and Resource Centre, from plans submitted to South Gloucestershire Council. Image: Studio Yaqub