A RESEARCHER in Holland is asking for help in tracing the descendants of a soldier from Yate who was killed in action during the Allied liberation of Europe.
Theo Vervoort is appealing for information about Private Ivor Vernon Williams, of 2nd Battalion, the Gloucestershire Regiment, who died on November 25, 1944.
Ivor, who lived at The British, off North Road, is buried in the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Venray in the south of the Netherlands.
Theo, who works for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Venray War Cemetery Foundation for the Adoption of War Graves, said: “I live nearby and am looking for information about the brave young men who are buried there. They all deserve their story to be told.
“I would like to get in contact with relatives to get to know the story that ended so sadly.
“We are trying to find out who he was and it would be great if we can find relatives and obtain a photograph, so that there will be a face and not only a name to remember him by.”

Yate resident Sue Swanborough is helping in the search.
She said: “According to the census, Ivor’s mother, Alice Blanche Williams, died in 1978 at Iron Acton.
“Those that care for his grave and others are trying to piece together these young men’s history.
“Theo and his team would love to have a photo of Ivor and a background to Ivor’s life before WW2.”
Anyone who has information which could help the find Ivor’s relatives can contact Sue by email at swanbo42@btinternet.com.