Yate teenager arrested and charged with drug dealing and carrying a knife

A TEENAGER from Yate has been charged with drug dealing and possessing a knife after being arrested in a shopping centre.

Avon & Somerset police said the 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested in Broadmead in Bristol on Tuesday along with two men.

A spokesperson said two of the three “resembled descriptions from an intelligence report about drug dealing in St Paul’s earlier in the day”.

The spokesperson added: “Officers seized heroin and crack cocaine, three knives, more than £1,600 in cash and a suspected stolen bicycle.”

The teenager and a 20-year-old man from Montpelier were charged with possessing a knife in public, possessing heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply, possessing cannabis and criminal property.

Another man, aged 21 and from Brislington, was charged with possessing a knife in public.

Neighbourhood Inspector Chris Green said: “Communities in Bristol want us to tackle knife and drug crime and we’ll continue to take robust action against anyone found carrying a knife. 

“We know we won’t solve these problems with enforcement action alone and are working closely with the community and partner agencies who offer positive opportunities to prevent young people from being exploited by criminals as well as routes out of crime.”

Police appealed to anyone who has information about drug dealing to contact them on the police website or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.